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Coping post Lockdown

Since the beginning of Covid-19 and the first lockdown many people have struggled with adjusting to a new way of life.

There have been so many things to adjust to over the last year. We have been asked to listen to, assimilate and respond to multiple instructions on a daily basis.

It has taken us a lot of resilience and energy to survive. It seems that we have been in survival mode, coming to terms with the shock of the pandemic and how this has changed our lives. A sense of loss, a bit like the grief cycle, disbelief, shock, anger, denial, sadness, bargaining and acceptance. We may find ourselves just getting on with it, but grief and loss has a huge impact on our health and wellbeing.

We have missed seeing friends and family and have experienced a multitude of emotions, from anxiety, depression, to anger, fear, to sadness and many more. Others have encountered a significant loss such as the death of a loved one. It has taken us a long time to come to terms with these changes, but now that the lockdown is easing, some may be experiencing anxiety around getting back to work, socializing with friends, or feeling fear about how to get physically close to others again.

We have all lost much in the last year and this will be unique for each one of us. All of these losses matter and need to be acknowledged and processed. We may find ourselves having dreams as our mind tries to process and come to terms with the events of the past year.

Firstly I would suggest some self-care, take some time to find a quiet place, perhaps spending time in nature on a walk in the forest. Secondly, acknowledge that things have been difficult, give yourself praise for how far you have come. Take some time to think about what the most important thing is at this for you in this moment. This will help you to prioritize and think ahead for the future.

Don't feel like you are alone in experiencing changing emotions related to the easing of lockdown. There are many organisations offering support such as the mental health charity, Mind to for grief.


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